INTEGRA has launched the ASSIST PLUS pipetting robot to put automated pipetting within reach of virtually every lab.
Using any INTEGRA electronic multichannel pipette, the compact system enables laboratory automation at an affordable price – providing reproducible and error-free processing while eliminating repetitive manual pipetting tasks.
The ASSIST PLUS is designed to offer flexibility, without the need for dedicated personnel or complex programming. Click in any of the company’s Viaflo and Voyager electronic pipettes to automate pipetting tasks. From plate filling and reagent addition to serial dilutions, the system eliminates the influence of human error and inter-operator variability on pipetting, leading to better reproducibility. With variable tip spacing, it is also suitable for tasks such as tube-to-plate transfers and plate reformatting.
Programmable either directly on the pipette or remotely using INTEGRA’s Vialab or Vialink software packages, the robot allows users to quickly and easily set up their protocols, then perform other activities while the robot precisely and reliably carries out the pipetting task.
Combined with broad labware compatibility and a range of accessories – from tube racks to high capacity reservoirs – this ensures it fits seamlessly into a variety of laboratory workflows, while still giving users the option to use the same electronic multichannel pipettes for manual tasks as required.