The Asia flow chemistry system is helping researchers in Budapest, Hungary design original CNS drugs.
The Discovery Chemistry Department at Gedeon Richter in Budapest has invested in an Asia flow chemistry system from Syrris to aid researchers involved in the design and synthesis of original drugs.
Research scientist Dr György Túrós explained: “In discovery chemistry research, we need to perform a lot of very interesting and complex chemical syntheses and, until now, have relied on classical batch chemistry methods.”
“We purchased an Asia flow chemistry reactor in June…The system has extended the range of chemistries available to us, allowing us to work at much higher pressures and temperatures – sometimes above a solvent’s boiling point – to create completely new heterocyclic scaffolds.”
He added that the team can combine the Asia modules in a variety of different ways to meet changing needs.
To download the Asia flow chemistry product brochure, please click on the link above.