This series includes the 2D Micro-HPLC system for proteome analysis, the 2D HPLC for bioanalysis (BA), and the 2D HPLC for NMR sample preparation
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments (SSI) announces the launch of the Prominence two-dimensional HPLC Series.
Spotlighting the flexibility of Shimadzu's Prominence series in creating specific application systems, this series includes the 2D Micro-HPLC system for proteome analysis, the 2D HPLC for bioanalysis (BA), and the 2D HPLC for NMR sample preparation.
All three feature the Shim-pack Mayi restricted access media (Ram) column, a newly developed bio-sample pretreatment column that achieves highly efficient deproteinisation and long-term stability through optimisation of particle diameter and newly developed coating technology.
2D micro HPLC system for proteome analysis.
The high performance 2D Micro-HPLC system for proteome analysis performs separation of complex peptide mixtures with a high level of sensitivity and resolution, and enables analysis of highly ionic and hydrophobic proteins that cannot be analyzed with 2D gel electrophoresis.
Assay sensitivity enables trace peptide analysis not always detected on 2D gels.
Analysis fractions from the cation exchange column are trapped on six mini trap columns (polymer packed reversed-phase columns with a retention power equivalent to C4) for desalination, followed by back flushing onto a reversed-phase column for precise and reproducible results.
2D HPLC for bioanalysis.
A system designed with the pharmaceutical industry in mind, the Prominence 2D HPLC for BA is configured for the analysis of drugs within bio-samples.
Automatically and seamlessly conducting all process from sample pre-treatment to analysis, the system's on-line pre-treatment of bio-samples reduces labor while enhancing efficiency.
A high-throughput autosampler provides high-speed injection and reproducibility.
Accurate and precise temperature control of the system further ensures reproducible analysis and a high recovery rate.
2D HPLC for NMR sample preparation.
Similar to the other systems, the 2D HPLC for NMR makes full use of column switching technology while automating the sample processing - separating the targeted substances from the sample, concentrating them and replacing them with deuterated solvents.
This automation serves to eliminate complicated, expensive tasks while enhancing data reliability.