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Refeyn launches new US HQ

Oxford university spin-out, mass photometry technologies leader Refeyn has opened a new 10,000 sq. ft. US Headquarters and customer centre in Waltham’s Biotech Hub in Greater Boston, Massachusetts. 

Efficient autoclaves conserve energy within them, and minimise loss.

Astell’s Top Tips to Keep Autoclaves Energy Efficient

Offering a wide range of autoclaves with energy -saving features, Astell has additional top tips to ensure that users select the most efficient instruments for their specific requirements, as well as…

Johnsons Laboratory Logistics assist the Pirbright Institute Relocation

Johnsons Laboratory Logistics have made case studies available online at their website to show exactly how well major laboratory moves and re-organisations can be handled by their highly trained team…

Mobile and Adjustable Hospital Bed

Smaller sensors make a big difference

Portability in the healthcare sector is driving a greater demand for smaller sensors, says Honeywell’s Olaf Seelbach.

Case study: Combating outages helps protect scientific institution’s research reputation

World-renowned biomedical research centre The Francis Crick Institute called in the electrical experts to ensure voltage sags – or ‘brownouts’ don’t cause vital experiments to fail with the loss of v…

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