Saws has chosen Vaisala to deliver and install a lightning detection network to provide lightning data for nowcasting and forecasting, advance severe storm warning, and precipitation prediction
The Vaisala Thunderstorm Information System will consist of 19 sensors providing lightning coverage of South Africa, Lesotho, and Swaziland.
The South African Weather Service is modernising its meteorological services in a number of ways.
With the Vaisala Thunderstorm Information System, Saws will have the means to improve its understanding of severe weather and issue warnings of potentially dangerous lightning episodes, so that the devastating effects of lightning strikes can be averted.
Lightning is a great safety concern for the South African public as well as in airport ground operations, mining and construction, explosives and flammable materials handling, and any outdoor field work.
The lightning information supplied by the new system will also be used to improve electrical power delivery within South Africa.
The Vaisala lightning detection network provides cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning information.
It is the ideal tool for early thunderstorm detection over wide areas.
The system will also track thunderstorms hundreds of kilometers outside of South Africa to give advance warning of approaching severe weather.
In addition, the Vaisala Thunderstorm Fault Analysis and Lightning Location System (Falls) software will be used for forensic analysis in order to identify geographic trends or specific events caused by lightning such as power outages and damage to man-made structures.
Vaisala is the world's largest lightning detection equipment manufacturer and lightning data services provider.
Vaisala owns and operates the US National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN).
Wide customer base of lightning-sensitive industries - to whom early thunderstorm warning and post-storm analysis are crucial - use Vaisala lightning warning, tracking, mapping, and analysis systems and services to save lives, protect property and reduce economic losses caused by lightning.