Saxsquant 2.0 program is a powerful image processing and data evaluation software which has been developed for the Saxsess small-angle X-ray scattering system
Saxsquant 2.0 converts 2D images into 1D scattering curves and features fully automated data evaluation using freely selectable operation steps.
The Saxsquant 2.0 software simplifies data reduction and further data treatment for both line and point collimation Saxs experiments.
Fully customizable templates allow to use the software right from the beginning.
Once the sample and background-data files have been specified, all further calculations are performed automatically.
Saxsquant 2.0 comprises a model-free desmearing routine for real-time desmearing of Saxs data.
This unique software handles large data sets quickly and stores scattering curves and interim results in Ascii text-file format.
Thus scattering data is accessible to many data-evaluation programs.