Laboratories performing environmental trace analysis of toxicologically and environmentally relevant elements have an ever-increasing demand for robust and easy-to-use acid digestion or leaching of environmental samples.
Routine digestion and leaching of soil samples as well as other environmental samples like sediments, fly ash, sludges etc. are among the most used applications inenvironmental chemistry.
In an application report from Anton Paar, digestions were carried out in HVT56 vessels using Rotor 41HVT56 in Multiwave PRO. The digested solutions were measured with an Agilent 7500ce ICP-MS using He as collision gas to suppress polyatomic interferences.
The reliability of the method presented was shown by acid leaching and elemental quantification of certified reference materials. The different samples were leached in the same run with fully and partially loaded rotor.
The experiment shows how, due to the controlled release of reaction gases ensured by the technology used, no losses of volatile elements occurred during the digestion procedure.