KD Scientific's UltraSpense 2000 dispenses difficult to handle organic solvents into microplates without suffering performance or material degradation
Customers report that the UltraSpense 2000 is the only automated dispenser they have found that handles products like THF (Tetrahydrofuran) without the problems of material compatibility which requires expensive maintenance and may contaminate samples.
Even at the higher viscosities, CVs of <1% are achieved with no special equipment required.
The UltraSpense incorporates a positive displacement pump with a valveless inert fluid path consisting of PTFE, PVDF, glass, and ceramic materials.
There are no parts that wear.
Thus the UltraSpense is a stable platform that delivers consistent performance for more than 100million cycles with no required maintenance or material replacement.
UltraSpense 2000 eliminates many problems experienced with peristaltic dispensers by using a specially designed manifold that uniformly distributes material to all eight tips.
This is combined with a proprietary algorithm to handle the pumping that overcomes the natural tendency for fluids to accumulate on the outside of the manifold tips.
And without the potential for uneven tubing wear associated with peristaltic rollers, the UltraSpense 2000 maintains its consistent performance after millions of dispense cycles.
This improved technology is simple to use and saves in operating and maintenance costs.
With the savings compared to peristaltic pumps being so significant, the UltraSpense 2000 can pay for itself in as little as 12 months, says KD Scientific.