Don Braggins has been appointed to chair a newly created scientific and technical advisory board for the Vision Academy, which is based in Erfurt, Germany
This new committee has been formed to guide the academy through its next phase of development.
The Vision Academy was founded in 2001 to provide manufacturer- independent and product-independent training in industrial image processing and machine vision from a basic introduction through to further education level.
Currently there are six teaching assignments at technical colleges and universities.
In an exciting progression, courses will also be offered in English in 2007 and more than 150 courses covering a range of different technical levels will be available.
A key role of the newly formed advisory board will be to ensure that the courses are developed in compliance with internationally accepted educational standards through ISO accreditation.
Courses are structured in a systematic, multi-lingual and modular way.
Plans are also in place to establish local educational centres in the UK, Poland, Singapore and Spain.
Don Braggins said: "I am honoured to have been appointed to this role and it fits in very well with my work with Ukiva, which itself has been keen to promote training in the industry.
"In 2005 we established closer links with academic research institutions by making our research membership category free of charge.
"We also post a list of training courses on our website from members and non-members alike, to which the Vision Academy courses have been added.
"The vision industry is developing so rapidly, for example with the introduction of the new GigE Vision and GeniCam standards.
"It is therefore essential that high quality training is made available both to introduce new people to the industry and to keep those already involved up to date."