Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has published a new application note, Structural analysis of glycopeptides (RNase B) utilizing accurate MSn measurement'
Glycoproteins are an essential component of cell membranes, and elucidation of their functions in relation to oncogenesis and/or viral infections is receiving attention in the search for cures, treatments, and vaccines.
As glycoprotein diversity plays a key role in intercellular recognition, determination of sugar chain structure, and the sequence of amino acids bonded to sugar chains, is required for functional prediction.
This communication introduces the successful structural analysis of an N-bonded high-mannose glycopeptide sample with less than 10ppm mass accuracy using a system comprised of a nanoHPLC system combined with a nano interface for the LCMS-IT-TOF.
The Shimadzu LCMS-IT-TOF couples atmospheric pressure ionization with Ion-Trap (IT) and Time-of-Flight (TOF) technologies to deliver high mass accuracy and high mass resolution (10,000 at 1000m/z).
Capable of producing high mass accuracy MSn spectra, the LCMS-IT-TOF identified the amino acid sequence at the sugar chain bond with high reliability.