AP Technologies announces the new 3Max detector from El-Mul Technologies of Yavne, Israel, described as the first true innovation in Everhart-Thornley (ET) type chamber detectors in over 40 years
High-end scanning electron microscope (SEM) instruments use in-lens detectors that can greatly reduce the effective secondary electron (SE) signal available for a conventional ET chamber detector due to SE-trapping field configurations.
This has meant that in many instances the ETD is only used for navigation at the beginning of the SEM study.
El-Mul's 3Max detector brings new life to the ET concept by significantly improving the SE signal response as well as collecting SE3-electrons originating from the sample as BSE and converted to SE on the chamber walls and pole piece.
The patent-pending 3Max electrode arrangement captures SE3 electrons from a large range of positions - dramatically increasing the signal-to-noise ratio attainable with an ETD in difficult imaging conditions.
3Max images also reveal more material contrast than a conventional ETD and can, in some cases, eliminate the need for a separate BSE detector.
3Max occupies the standard ET port for easy upgrades and allows instruments to be upgraded in the field.