Donation of chromatography data-handling software enables Aids laboratory in Africa to better screen for counterfeit drugs
PerkinElmer was recognised by International Aid, a charitable relief and development agency, at the commemoration ceremonies for an enhanced medical laboratory serving the sub-Saharan region of Africa at World Aids Day event in December 2006.
Representatives from International Aid and Meds Lab, the leading medical equipment provider to developing nations, acknowledged PerkinElmer's donation of chromatography data-handling software, interfaces, and service and support to the new Meds laboratory in Nairobi, Kenya.
This represents the first time that chromatography is being used as an analytical tool in the fight against counterfeit drugs in Africa.
"One of the acute challenges in the fight against Aids is the proliferation of counterfeit drugs," said Mark Heydenburg, director of medical equipment services, International Aid, Spring Lake, Michigan.
"Our goal is to expose counterfeit drugs and their producers and thereby improve the treatment of some of the most medically underserved people of the world".
The TotalChrom chromatography data systems (CDS) software package donated by PerkinElmer integrates two key technologies - gas chromatography (GC) and liquid chromatography (HPLC) - to help advance the accuracy and precision of the testing.
The software is used to run PerkinElmer GC and HPLC instruments donated by pharmaceutical companies to the new Meds laboratory.
"We are proud to contribute to this humanitarian project" said Alessandra Rasmussen, chromatography business director, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.
"We trust that the PerkinElmer contributions to the Meds lab in Nairobi will help improve the lives of thousands of patients and their families".
Once installed, PerkinElmer dealers in the region - who are fully trained on TotalChrom software and chromatography instrumentation - will provide ongoing support locally to ensure reliable and high-throughput operation.