Strategic Test has introduced the multiple recording option for its new UF2 family of 66MHz PCI-based oscilloscope/digitiser cards
Primarily intended for recording radar signals, the MR option can be used to record any high-speed series of waveforms such as sonar, ultrasound and laser.
The multiple recording option allows an engineer to acquire a fast series of waveforms with a high repetition rate without restarting the hardware during the short dead time (usually only a few milliseconds) between waveforms.
Since the option is implemented in firmware, the card re-arms itself and is ready for the next trigger event within four clock cycles, so that no event is missed.
For example, an oscilloscope card sampling at 200MS/s configured to capture minimum segment sizes of eight samples leads to a maximum pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 16.6MHz.
Larger segments and/or slower sample rates reduce the PRF, as does the addition of a pre-trigger.
In addition, if the area of interest is located a specific time after the trigger event a trigger delay can be programmed.
The trigger source can be an external trigger event or one or several combined channel trigger events.
Each channel has its own trigger detection with level, edge, re-arm, window and steepness trigger.
The price of the multiple recording option is euro200 and is an option available for all of the UltraFast 8-bit, 12-bit, 14-bit and 16-bit resolution oscilloscope PCI cards.
The cards are available with a choice of two, four, eight or 16 channels per card depending on model.
The option can be purchased with the card or it is possible to field upgrade the card at a later date.