PerkinElmer debuted at Pittcon 2007 the new Spectrum Express software for its Spectrum One and Spectrum 100 series of FT-IR and FT-NIR instruments
Designed specifically for scientists in routine testing and academic teaching environments, the Spectrum Express offers efficient, 'walk up and measure' ease-of-use and seamless integration with new operating systems and other frequently used software applications.
"With a streamlined and modern interface, the software will help users to effortlessly navigate their everyday tasks resulting in faster analytical results, reduced training times and fewer mistakes," said Simon Wells, molecular spectroscopy business unit manager, PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.
"Spectrum Express also responds to the customers' need for simpler organisation and export of data by allowing users to customize their own software interface and by providing a number of printing options and facilities that quickly transfer IR analytical results to Microsoft software".
Wells noted that the first version of software will be available in English, German and Japanese with many other languages to follow and that, in addition, the software has built-in local language capabilities.
Spectrum Express is available for shipments in April on Microsoft Windows Vista (64- and 32-bit versions) and Windows XP operating systems.