Qualification of UV systems to meet new pharmaceutical standards is once again one of the short courses on specialised aspects of analytical chemistry in 2008's Pittsburgh Conference programme
The validity of chemical measurements is of vital importance in today's regulated environment, and nowhere more than in the pharmaceutical industry, where ultra-violet and visible spectrophotometry continues to be one of the most widely used assay and research tools, in its many guises; not only as a conventional spectrophotometer, but also as micro-plate readers, HPLC and dissolution detectors.
The course will be led by John Hammond of Starna, an international authority on the topic, and is aimed at those tasked with qualifying UV-visible instrumentation, who might include analytical laboratory staff, pharmaceutical metrology staff, or customer support personnel from instrument manufacturers.
The course features a unique mix of lectures, insights in to the latest developments with respect to pharmacopoeia standards; and practical tutorials using the latest instrumentation from leading UV-Vis manufacturers, and the selection and use of UV-Vis CRMs for instrument qualification.
Pittcon 2008 is at the Ernest Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, 1-7 March 2008.