ChemSW has release its fourth Best Practices industry white paper, this one detailing best practices that can be leveraged to survive a chemical management audit
ChemSW's latest white paper examines the challenges inherent in chemical management audits and presents best practices solutions to assist chemists in understanding and addressing the myriad chemical inventory management requirements with which they must comply.
"Every year, many organisations fail to pass audits of their workplace chemicals," explains ChemSW vice president and white paper author Pat Spink.
"That's because those chemicals and related supplies are not managed and controlled in a safe manner in accordance with regulations.
"One of the main causes for the continuing chemical safety deficiencies in the workplace that drive audit failure is the large number of requirements that govern chemical-related work.
"This white paper helps point out the areas where deficiencies most often occur and provides pointers on how to avoid audit noncompliance".
Numerous local, state and US federal requirements have been promulgated to protect workers, equipment, facilities and the environment from the hazards associated with chemicals.
Because such requirements can number in the thousands, simply identifying all of the applicable chemical safety-related requirements that govern any particular work activity with chemicals can be a monumental task.
In addition, many of these requirements approach chemical safety from different perspectives, contain overlapping provisions, are sometimes contradictory, and often confusing.
"From lubricants to solvents, from flammable materials to corrosives," adds Spink, "many organisations today handle and store a number of different chemicals that must be managed safely.
"It's not enough to ensure that you know where chemicals are, provide training and information about correct handling procedures, and ensure that chemicals are stored and disposed appropriately.
"There are many rules and regulations to ensure that these minimums take place.
"Rather, because of all these requirements - some of which conflict - it is extremely important to ensure that your organization is able to pass chemical management audits to prove that your system works both well and safely".
The penalties for failing EPA and Osha audits related to chemical management on site can be severe.
A best practices approach can help ensure that the chemical management program that has been implemented works and that the related audits are successful.
Entitled 'How to survive a chemical management audit', the white paper examines how to leverage industry best practices for chemical inventory safety integrity, as well as how to gain control of chemical inventory through the implementation of a chemical inventory system that addresses regulations and dovetails with the organisation's SOPs.
A series of best practices activity-based checklists that govern chemical-related work activities - with overlap and duplication of requirements removed - have been developed to assist in chemical management audits.
The best practices components of an end-to-end chemical inventory system (CIS) for establishing and maintaining information about the chemical safety and quality data are also explored.