Bio-Rad Laboratories latest technical bulletin (bulletin 5362) describes how to shorten PCR run times by up to 50% using conventional PCR instruments, reagents, and reaction vessels
Although many researchers in the life, pharmaceutical, and forensic sciences may believe that fast PCR is only obtainable through the purchase of specialised and faster-ramping thermal cyclers, the new tech bulletin explains how most of the time savings can be achieved by simply modifying thermal cycling conditions.
By following the guidance detailed in the tech bulletin, it is possible to:.
* Shorten run times for standard PCR from approximately 90 to 35 minutes.
* Reliably amplify long targets (1-20kb) three to four times faster than standard protocols.
* Obtain real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) data with Sybr Green or TaqMan chemistries in less than an hour.
The six-page tech bulletin includes diagrams, tables, and graphics that show how one can improve run-time for each of the steps involved a conventional PCR run process.
The bulletin also shows how one can shorten the run-time of real-time qPCR and save time in amplifying long targets.
The guide concludes with an addendum that provides general considerations for fast-PCR, the rapid optimisation strategy for fast-PCR, and troubleshooting tips.
Bulletin 5362 is available either from a local Bio-Rad sales office or it may be downloaded.