PhenoSystems announces the release of the latest version of Gensearch, v3.5, offering many improvements and added features to the detection and interpretation of DNA mutations
Gensearch is the company's flagship DNA sequencing software which allows the detection of variants and helps with their interpretation.
It is being used by diagnostics and research laboratories across Europe.
Its strength lies in a user friendly interface coupled to a high-performance algorithm reproducing the human detection principles, yielding high sensitivity and selectivity for heterozygous detection, says PhenoSystems.
Among the newly-added features are a fully fledged database to centralise mutation information in the laboratory, connections to several new bio-informatics tools such as Blat to help interpret DNA variants, improved printable documentation of each analysis to help comply with legal, accreditation or other requirements, and gene-specific parameters to facilitate analysis in various cases.
Existing customers are invited to download the update when it becomes available, and interested laboratories which do not have a licence can request a demo version and an on-site presentation.
PhenoSystems is an IT company based in Belgium developing software in close collaboration with the molecular genetics community through both informal cooperation as well as EU funded research projects, such as Eurogentest.
Its products include a range of analytical software for DNA sequencing (both 'generic' and dedicated to HIV) and associated database systems which range from low cost XML servers to a high end FDA CFR part 11 compliant platform developed under a Eureka label with a French company, Kika Medical.