Symbion-LX, version 2.0 preserves all features of version 1.3 while adding several new capabilities, including significantly expanded instrument control and spectroscopic data processing
In common with the earlier versions of Symbion-LX, version 2.0 provides a standardised platform for controlling a wide range of spectrometers and other analytical instruments.
In addition, it provides comprehensive data manipulation and application development capabilities as well as the ability to communicate with numerous chemometric routines, other third party programs, and enterprise-wide data systems.
With version 2.0, Symbion-LX becomes a fully Windows compliant program, with attractive features such as the ability to integrate analytical data into reports written in Word or other Windows programs.
At the same time, it provides a high degree of data and user interface standardisation while supporting all of the unique requirements of specific instruments.
This is made possible by a series of tabbed windows, some of which - such as Data Manipulation and Math - are the same for all instruments.
Others, such as the Instrument Control are specific to individual instruments.
The user simply selects the instrument he wishes to operate and the instrument control panel will be customised for that instrument.
Finally, version 2.0 provides the capability of storing data either as files or in a modern SQL database.
The latter provides comprehensive search capability as wells as ease of handoff of data to other software entities such as multivariate programs and data historians.