Finance Day, which is being held within Analytica for the first time on 4 April 2008, puts the focus on a topic that remains as hot as ever: how to find financing to found and expand new companies
Analytica 2008, the trade fair for analysis, laboratory technology and biotechnology, opens its gates at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre from 1-4 April 2008.
Finance Day hopes to serve as a mediator and contact platform.
Its objective is to help start-ups and new companies in the life-science sector to network with investors.
Company founders will be given an introduction to the topic of financing and given an overview of the range of available subsidy programmes as well as practical tips for approaching investors.
The programme of events at Finance Day will feature four discussion panels and six lectures that explain all aspects of subsidies and financing, from early-stage financing, business development and venture capital to collaboration models with major pharma groups and, finally, having your company listed on the stock exchange.