Syncom in Groningen, the Netherlands, a contract researcher for pharmaceutical and chemical companies, has chosen the Liquiport diaphragm pumps from KNF Flodos to use in its laboratories
"We have been using Liquiport 18RC pumps mainly to load columns for column chromatography and to transfer liquid into reaction vessels," explained Fred Leusink, research chemist group leader and equipment manager at Syncom.
"The Liquiport's chemical resistance enables us to use the pumps for a very broad range of applications.
"They are easy to clean and to swap solvents, and are very easy to use - you just turn a knob to find the right flow rate, without unnecessary screens or displays.
"They also have an interface for external control which offers the potential to control the pump using an analogue signal.
"We have also been using vacuum pumps from KNF Neuberger for over 10 years, including over 100 each of Laboport SC840 and N 811 units.
"Every time we expand we get more of the same pumps, because these pumps are reliable, easy to use and are suitable for many of our applications".
Leusink concluded: "KNF's service and support are excellent, and we would definitely go back for more of their pumps in the future."