Pittcon has announced its third year of co-programming with the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry, with 12 sessions for Pittcon 2009 from 8-13 March at McCormick Place South, Chicago, Illinois.
The six topics for the 2009 ACS-DAC invited symposia are: biological applications of capillary electrophoresis; evolution of modern chromatography: celebration of 25 years of the subdivision on chromatography and separation chemistry at the analytical chemistry division of the ACS; HPLC method robustness: studies of evaluation of chromatographic selectivity in the life science industries; new dimensions in multidimensional separations; pressurised fluids in analytical separations technology; young investigator award from subdivision on chromatography and separation chemistry of the analytical chemistry division at the ACS.
Selected titles for the five ACS-DAC organised contributed sessions are: validation of bioanalytical methods: addressing matrix effects, ion suppression and ISR; new concepts and instruments for electrochemical sensors; multi-residue pesticide analysis for food testing; understanding chromatography with sub-2 micron particles; quality assurance of measurements and proficiency testing.
In addition to the invited symposia and organised contributed sessions, ACS will present a poster session.
Pittcon is co-sponsored by the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh and the Society for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh.