Metrohm has introduced the 876 and 865 Dosimat plus models for the routine handling of liquids.
The Dosimats can be operated manually as standalone instruments or used together with Titrino and Titrino plus models as well as the 781 pH/ion meter.
In addition to the two Dosimat plus models, Metrohm has also introduced the 876 Manual Titrator plus.
All three versions have intelligent Exchange Units as standard.
These models will dose for as long as you keep the 'go' key depressed.
It is also possible to enter calculation formulas in each model; this is particularly important for evaluating manual titrations.
An extended-dosing option permits controlled addition of liquids with variable parameters.
The Dosimats are also able to realise whether interruption-free addition is necessary.
Depending on the requirements that an application places on the method, one of the following types of dosing is used: dosing a defined volume with a defined dosing rate; dosing a defined volume in a defined time; or dosing for a defined period at a defined dosing rate.
The 865 model has a 'content dosing' mode.
This allows the preparation of solutions with a predefined content.
The substance no longer needs to be weighed out accurately to an exactly defined amount, the 865 Dosimat plus calculates the necessary volume of solvent from the weighed-in amount.
The 865 also has LQT, or liquid transfer mode.
The Dosimat will dose out a saved pipetting volume and, if required, immediately afterwards eject a determined dilution volume.
This liquid transfer method is used, for example, for hand pipetting, or the dilution of solutions using the push-button cable for manual dispensing control.
The Dosimat plus and Manual Titrator plus models include a series of different interfaces, such as USB and remote interfaces.