TTI has updated its TG2000 20 MHz function generator with drivers to give improved USB performance under Windows Vista while retaining compatibility with earlier Windows versions.
Other changes include a display with improved brightness and contrast.
The TG2000 is a bench-top DDS function generator which offers full control of all functions using RS232 or USB interfaces.
The direct digital synthesis system delivers low-distortion sine waves with improved spectral purity in comparison with analogue function generators.
The TG2000 can generate frequencies between 0.001 Hz and 20 MHz to six digits of resolution at amplitudes between 5 mV and 20 V peak-to-peak EMF.
Source impedance is switchable between 50 and 600 ohms.
The instrument incorporates fully phase-continuous sweep, linear or logarithmic, with sweep times variable between 50ms and 1000s.
The sweep trigger source can be internal or external (including interface command) and a sweep marker is provided.
Other modulation modes include AM, gated, FSK and tone-switch using a table of up to 16 frequencies.
The TG2000 is a fully digitally controlled generator in which all functions including wave shape, frequency, amplitude, offset, and modulation can be controlled from the digital interfaces or by recall from the nine internal set-up memories.
This makes it suitable for automated or repetitive test applications.
The instrument is housed in a 2U high casing which, although primarily intended for bench use, can also be rack-mounted.