The Metrohm 797 VA Computrace can carry out trace metal analyses with the same or better sensitivity as an AAS or ICP instrument.
The 797 VA Computrace uses the standard addition method typically used in these analyses, with detection limits down to ppt.
It has low operational costs, requires small amounts of reagents and has a small footprint.
Total metal concentration and speciation can be determined with the computer-controlled software system.
Curve evaluation and automated dispensing options allow the 797 VA Computrace system to distinguish the different oxidation stages of metal ions or to differentiate between free and bound metal ions.
It can also specify the biological availability of heavy metals in environmental analysis.
The 797 VA Computrace can determine trace quantities of various organic compounds by voltammetry in organic chemistry and pharmaceuticals.
Voltammetry can also determine certain anions, such as sulfide, nitrite and nitrate.