Perkinelmer has collaborated with Labtronics to offer laboratories more choice for connecting laboratory instruments with the Labworks Laboratory Information Management System (Lims).
This will allow laboratories to rapidly customise services.
Labtronics provides a flexible toolkit approach that enables users to adapt their interfaces to meet changing requirements.
This increases laboratory workflow and analyst skill level, helping to increase productivity and reduce errors in data transfer.
Richard Begley PhD, president of analytical sciences at Perkinelmer, said: 'Laboratories are recognising the importance of effective interfacing when generating and managing large amounts of data such as that created by our inorganic and chromatography products.' Labtronics' Limslink and Limslink Express will expand the instrument interface services for Perkinelmer's Labworks Lims.
These will help laboratories reduce analysts' workload, reduce the cost of sample data management and deliver sample results to Labworks faster.
For instance, a petrochemical company introduced Limslink for all of its instruments and has increased sample throughput by 150 per cent without increasing staff.
Another state environmental agency saved USD600000 a year by automating data entry for 800,000 samples.