The latest addition to the Alert range from Applikon Analytical is the Alert Colorimeter for Chrome (VI).
Hexavalent chrome is a toxic heavy metal released during many industrial manufacturing and plating processes requiring continuous monitoring.
The Alert Colorimeter uses the differential absorbance colorimetry (DAC) methodology to prevent background sample colour and solids adversely affecting the analysis.
The working range is 0-1mg/l with a limit of detection of one part per billion.
The running costs are kept to a minimum by low reagent use, typically 1ml per analysis for each reagent, and minimal consumables.
Attendance for planned maintenance is usually carried out on an annual basis.
Applikon Analytical is part of the Metrohm group of companies and represented exclusively by Metrohm UK.
In addition to the sale of analysers Metrohm UK provides a full customer service including spares, training and service contracts.