Olympus Life Science will sell and market Thermo Fisher's TC Automation track-based laboratory automation products in Europe as a result of an agreement signed by the companies.
Olympus will also provide primary level service and support of the automation products.
The new product offering will complement Olympus's existing laboratory automation products such as the OLA2500 peri-analytical automation system.
It will also allow laboratory professionals to consolidate Olympus AU-series clinical chemistry and immunoassay analysers.
The open track-based system will offer medium to large sized hospital and private laboratories flexibility and access to additional test capabilities.
It will also allow customers to consolidate and automate sample processing procedures, such as decapping, centrifugation, aliquoting, recapping and storage/retrieval, currently in development.
Benefits of laboratory automation include more efficient sample management, improved laboratory services and shortened turnaround times.
By automating the main pre-analytical steps such as centrifugation, decapping, aliquoting and sorting, TC Automation helps to manage current and future workloads.
It interfaces with Olympus systems and a selection of third-party instruments.