Olympus has introduced the Olympus XLPlan N 25x water immersion objective for multi-photon imaging.
It offers researchers outstanding deep-imaging and high resolution performance with the Olympus Fluoview FV1000MPE multiphoton laser-scanning microscope system.
The Olympus XLPlan N 25x objective has been designed with a numerical aperture (NA) of 1.05 for high-resolution multi-photon microscopy.
It can be used for tissue samples with cover slips and for investigations, such as patch clamping, where the sample cannot be covered.
As a result, it achieves higher z-resolution and increased brightness for all deep-imaging applications compared with similar objectives already on the market.
With a working distance of 2mm and a 35-degree angle available for patch clamping, this objective is excellent for neurophysiology and related applications.
A wide field of view helps researchers obtain more information from each multi-photon experiment.
A correction collar compensates for refractive index mismatches, allowing excellent axial and spatial resolution hundreds of microns into living brain samples.
The Olympus XLPlan N 25x objective maximises the effectiveness of the multi-photon process, with chromatic aberrations corrected within Ti:Sa IR-laser wavelength range 680-1100nm.
In addition, new optical coatings allow the objective to provide outstanding performance in the IR range, with permanent transmittance of more than 82 per cent from 400 to 1000nm.
This results in at least 5x the normal brightness levels during multi-photon excitation, combined with more efficient collection of emitted light, providing greatly enhanced instrument sensitivity and higher signal-to-noise ratios.
The new Olympus XLPlan N 25x (N.A.1.05) objective is designed for deep-specimen imaging and delivers the maximum detection efficiency.