The 815 Robotic Soliprep sample processor range offers comprehensive sample preparation possibilities within the fields of IC, HPLC, ICP or voltammetry.
The production of pharmaceutical tablets requires proving that the active ingredient content given on the package is valid for each single tablet of a batch.
Different analytical techniques such as titration or ion chromatography are used for the highly accurate quantitation of the ingredients.
However, these analytical techniques are only as reliable as the sample preparation preceding them.
Depending on the shape, coating, filling components used and concentration of the pharmaceutical ingredient, different sample preparation steps have to be carried out before the analysis proper.
The first step is always the thorough homogenisation of the tablet in a suitable solvent mixture.
Depending on the determination technique applied, steps such as additional dilution or pipetting are required.
In most labs these steps are carried out manually, which can result in carry over or erratic results as the time consuming manual operations are influenced by many circumstances.
These problems are solved by using an automated system that performs every sample preparation in exactly the same way.
The content of the active ingredient in a single tablet as well as the product conformity of the whole batch can be determined with just one automation system.
Automation not only improves reproducibility and accuracy, but also increases throughput as well as lab safety.
The 815 Robotic Soliprep is a fully automated system designed for the preparation of sample solutions within the fields of ion chromatography, HPLC, ICP, voltammetry, titrimetric applications and more.
A defined number of tablets is directly weighed out into the sample vessel.
After positioning the samples on the sample rack, all relevant analysis data such as weight, position and identification of the sample is entered into the sample data table of the Tiamo software.
Prior to comminution, the sample is transported to the second workstation where 60ml of methanol is added.
Subsequently the Polytron homogeniser comminutes the tablet for 90s at 25,000rpm; comminution of three tablets requires a comminution time of 120s.
Then, 10ml of water is added to the homogenised sample.
Using the 809 Titrando and the Solvotrode, benzbromaron is titrated with sodium hydroxide solution (1mol/L).
While the benzbromaron sample is being titrated, cleaning is performed automatically in the external rinsing station.
The high-frequency homogeniser aggregate with the protruding blade (154mm) is used for sample particles larger than the diameter of the aggregate (12mm).
The Polytron homogeniser is made by Kinematica, Switzerland.
Benzbromaron is a weak acid with a pKa (4.50) comparable to that of acetic acid (4.75).
After the loss of the hydrogen ion, the negative charge at the oxygen atom is delocalised around the ring (resonance stabilisation).
The more stable the ion is, the more likely it is to form.
Hence, titration with strong bases is a convenient method for benzbromaron determination.