The US Army has recently bought four PCS Pipette-Calibration Systems from Artel for use in the forensics laboratories of Iraqi law-enforcement agencies.
The systems will be used in Iraqi IP Criminal Evidence Laboratories in Baghdad, Basra and Erbil, for routine pipette-calibration.
Modern forensic analytical procedures require the accurate and precise measurement of reaction components.
The handling of minute sample volumes with accuracy and precision is critical.
The Iraqi forensics laboratories will use the Artel PCS to calibrate their pipettes at six-month intervals for stronger assurance of data integrity.
The PCS produces traceable, standardised results, allowing the laboratories to ensure that analyses are consistent with international quality standards.
The system was selected as the pipette calibration tool of choice because of its ease of use and ability to measure small liquid-volumes with a high degree of accuracy and precision.
The PCS is a rapid, user-friendly instrument that automatically measures and documents the accuracy and precision of volumes dispensed from single-channel pipettes.
It is portable and robust.
It calibrates pipettes in minutes, providing laboratories with the flexibility and convenience of an internal calibration method.