Hi-line Industries has announced that its Hi-Zorb units can provide an economic solution to constant -40C dewpoint air supplies provided at pre-determined points of use.
The small product footprint is also ideal for installation where factory floor space is at a premium.
Typical commercial applications for high-quality air supplies also include laboratories, dental practices and healthcare markets where the low operating noise of the Hi-Zorb is also a benefit.
The Hi-Zorb design provides high-quality air at budget prices, without any compromise on product quality or performance.
It utilises twin extruded aluminium drying chambers filled with molecular sieve to provide a constant -40C dewpoint with low use of regeneration air.
One chamber is always on-line, with the second undergoing regeneration of the desiccant following an automatic changeover.
The simplicity of the powered motor changeover valves makes the product both reliable and low on maintenance.
These fixed-cycle dryers are available ex-stock and are supplied complete with both pre and after high-quality filtration (0.001mg/m3 oil removal pre-filter and 3 micron particle removal).
The inclusion of zero air loss autodrains also makes the products competitively priced.
The Hi-Zorb flow capacity ranges from 5cfm (8.5m3/h) to 100cfm (169m3/h), with optional heatless and zero-loss heat regeneration dryers also available in the Hi-line product portfolio for air flows up to 10,000m3/h.
Dewpoints as low as -70C can be achieved, if required.
Hi-line also maintains permanent stocks of desiccant products at its east-Midlands based factory and warehousing facilities.