The Hansen Solubility Parameter in Practice (HSPiP) package helps to develop more environmentally friendly products and assess chemicals for REACH.
The software toolkit is based on Hansen Solubility Parameters (HSP), effectively three numbers that can capture how a chemical behaves in relation to others.
The package allows users to substitute a solvent for one that is safer, cheaper and has a lower environmental impact.
The package includes an e-book to provide access to a host of practical examples showing this technique in practice, plus a large dataset ready for use.
HSPiP will enable scientists to develop better bioplastics and more efficient control of nano-particle dispersion.
HSPiP makes it possible to calculate an easy REACH 'read-across' system to assess the health and environmental impact of a large range of chemicals.
The software, developed by Dr Hansen and Prof Abbott, together with a full set of explanatory notes, video tutorials and the theory behind it, is available on line.