ERT has completed its 150th Thorough QT clinical trial (TET).
ERT provides full TET support to the biopharmaceutical industry, including consultation, study design and provision of ECG equipment to ECG analysis, data processing, management, reconciliation, reporting, quality control and regulatory support.
All new drugs are expected to undergo electrocardiographic testing (ECG) in the clinical development process and with the advent of the ICH E14 Guidance, a TET study is required for most drugs where more robust and rigorous ECG testing is performed.
It is estimated that a total of 300 TET studies have been carried out worldwide since the introduction of the guidance in 2005.
ERT's cardiac-safety solutions offer a centralised process for the collection and analysis of quality ECG data.
Its centralised core lab provides real-time collection of consistent ECG data, reducing inconsistencies that may occur from site to site and alleviating client workloads.
ERT simplifies ECG data management and analysis to provide on-demand, real-time access to ECG study data.