BFI Optilas is selling Amplification Technologies' multichannel discrete amplification (DA) detectors for low-level signals.
These allow the simultaneous attainment of high gain, high speed and ultra-low excess noise in a silicon or Ingaas device.
DA involves three basic functions: distributing individual signal electrons in a separate independent amplification channel, amplifying each individual signal electron in a separate channel to a readable charge packet and reading the amplified charge packets.
The benefits of that technology include single photon level sensitivity, wide spectral range, relatively flat spectral sensitivity curve, excellent voltage and thermal stability, high photon detection efficiency, wide dynamic range, fast response, high reliability and low production costs.
It can enhance the performance of applications such as PET scanners, medical imaging, fluorescence detection, high-energy physics, spectroscopy, biological sensors, Ladar and Lidar, homeland security, confocal microscopy, night vision and many others.