Autoscribe is offering the Matrix Gemini EM, enabling users to define a complete environmental-monitoring protocol that includes a sampling plan and testing schedule.
The sampling plan identifies the sampling sites within multiple controlled environments.
The test definitions are configurable and results, plus metadata associated with microbiological assays may be captured and compared with limits.
Different alert and action limits can be specified for each test at each sampling site and triggers are set up to ensure that any violation of these limits is immediately reported to the staff responsible.
Matrix Gemini EM is supplied with a starter set of reports, typically including trending and summary presentations - for example, trend for a specific sampling site over a chosen time period or summary for a specific batch/lot to assist with product release.
Matrix Gemini EM is designed for use in pharmaceutical, medical-device, biotechnology-manufacturing and similar industries.
Autoscribe also offers systems for sample tracking, instrument calibration and maintenance, stability testing, customer-complaints management, support management, training-records management and resource planning.