Astra Biotech has developed genetic tests to identify predisposition to major diseases such as osteoporosis and thrombosis.
If the patient is aware of the increased risk of such diseases then they will be able to take preventative measures to contain or significantly reduce the impact of the illness.
More than 80 per cent of clinical decisions are based on laboratory tests when identifying the cause of a condition, but these tests are typically undertaken only once the symptoms become apparent.
This provides the patient with a treatment scenario that is potentially more intensive than it would be if the disease had been identified at an earlier stage, thus increasing the risks, costs and distress.
Genetic testing provides this early warning and makes available all information to assess risk factors to establish a course of prevention, disease reduction or cure.
Astra Biotech offers test kits for quality-of-life reducing conditions such as osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease (thrombosis), plus an individual's sensitivity to anti-coagulant drugs.
Under development are tests for allergies that increasingly affect a growing number of the population and that may trigger other health symptoms with more serious consequences.
A test for the life-threatening disease cystic fibrosis is also in the final stages of development.