Premier Biosoft International has released v2.92 of its mass spectrometry (MS) data analysis tool Simglycan, which is suitable for the biopharmaceuticals sector.
The program includes comprehensive support to perform multi-stage/sequential mass spectrometry (MSn) data analysis, which involves re-fragmentation of product ions.
Multi-stage mass analysis provides structural information that is useful in structure elucidation of metabolites, glycopeptides and glycans.
It aids in discrimination of glycans having similar characteristic fragment ions at MS/MS level.
It resolves heterogeneity of carbohydrate distribution and branching pattern of complex glycans such as isobaric isomers.
Kay Brown, vice-president of business development and marketing, said: 'Multi-stage mass spectrometry has become a powerful procedure for the investigation of protein glycosylation and therefore is crucial for biopharmaceuticals.'