East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust (ESHT) has chosen Sunquest ICE order communications software to handle GP requests for pathology tests at its laboratories in Hastings and Eastbourne.
ESHT needed an order communications system for GP requesting and chose ICE because it could be easily controlled and configured to meet the trust's requirements.
ESHT now has approximately 90 per cent of GPs live on the system and hope to increase this to around 96 per cent within the next few months.
It is a lot faster to book in requests, which improves the trust's workflow and allows it to report any abnormal results to the GP more quickly.
GPs are now able to access the results of tests requested by the hospital, in addition to their own requests, and download them onto their practice's system.
ESHT states that Sunquest provided good support throughout and that it is now looking at other clinical modules of the ICE package, such as radiology requesting and discharge summaries.