Bioo Scientific has launched the Nextflex DNA Sequencing Kits and Nextflex DNA Barcodes, designed to provide flexibility and high-throughput capabilities in sequencing applications.
The Nextflex DNA Sequencing Kit features Enhanced Adapter Ligation Technology, resulting in library preps with a larger number of unique sequencing reads.
By making changes to the ligation enzymatic mix, the user will now have the ability to perform ligations with longer adapters and expect to see better binding efficiencies.
The Nextflex DNA Sequencing Kits are designed to prepare single, paired-end and multiplexed genomic DNA libraries for sequencing using Illumina/Solexa GAII and Hiseq 2000/1000 platforms.
The enhanced Nextflex DNA Sequencing Kits simplify workflow by using master mixed reagents and magnetic bead-based cleanup, reducing pipetting and eliminating several time-consuming steps in library preparation.
In combination with the Nextflex DNA Barcode Kits, the Nextflex DNA Sequencing Kits can be used to profile and study up to 48 samples simultaneously.
The Nextflex DNA Barcodes are adapters containing indexed sequences that offer an improved multiplexing workflow and flexible setup.
This automation-friendly format enables multiplexing of up to 48 samples for a total of 384 reactions.
The Nextflex DNA Barcodes are available in sets of six, 12, 24 and 48 unique adapters.
The ability to pool samples in an efficient way significantly decreases hands-on time, while providing robust data quality.