Gilson has released two application notes for the Idex Health and Science Nanodrop non-contact dispensing unit from Innovadyne.
The first application note is entitled 'Analysis on a Lightcycler 480 and a Nanodrop Express Low-Volume Dispenser', describes how the Nanodrop technology has been proven to be an efficient, cost effective tool in the preparation of PCR reactions for SNP detection in soybeans employing Melting Curve Analysis.
Melting Curve Analysis is an efficient means for SNP detection and typically costs around USD0.09 (GBP0.08) per 2SNP with 3ul reactions.
The combination of the Roche Lightcycler 480 and the Innovadyne Nanodrop Express enables high-throughput SNP detection.
The second application note is entitled 'Robotics worklists for creating 1,536-well real-time PCR assays' and focuses on how the utility of a worklist can enable the creation of custom plate layouts for higher-density plates.
High-throughput PCR involves large numbers of samples and primers in all combinations and in replicates.
CSV plate map worklists provide a logical setup for these reactions and the Nanobuilder Patternviewer allows the contents to be viewed either by colour or text.
This same information can be used to instruct the Nanodrop as to the required aspirate, dispense and wash steps required to create the destination plate.