Bio-Rad Laboratories has launched an isoelectric focusing (IEF) system that is designed to simultaneously run up to 12 immobilised pH gradient (IPG) strips in 12 independently programmed lanes.
For the best 2D gel electrophoresis results, researchers optimise their sample preparation and first-dimension isoelectric focusing conditions to ensure the adequate separation of complex samples.
As the optimal IEF conditions for protein samples can vary significantly, each set of conditions must be tested separately; this can be a time-consuming and tedious process.
Although most IEF systems on the market have multiple lanes, they allow the user to test one condition at a time.
Conventional IEF cells average the overall current among all lanes.
Unless all samples have identical conductivities, the current will not be distributed evenly among them and the ultimate current that each strip receives may not reach or may exceed the intended current.
This can result in under or over focusing and, in some cases, strip burning.
The new Protean i12 IEF system from Bio-Rad controls lanes separately, allowing researchers to set precise current limits for each lane.
This enables the system to run different samples and pH ranges simultaneously while preventing differing samples from affecting each other, resulting in more reliable and reproducible focusing, according to the company.
The system also lets researchers test several optimisation conditions simultaneously and to run samples from different experiments together, both of which will speed their time to results.
The touchscreen interface enables users to create and edit protocols and run the instrument.
Another feature, the Protean i12 Reporter web-based application, enables users to analyse data, create graphs and print reports.
The USB port can be used to export data for storage and analysis without the need for a dedicated computer.
The Readyprep 2D starter kit helps first-time 2D gel electrophoresis users perfect the 2D technique on the Protean i12 IEF system with an E.coli protein sample.