Bio-Rad’s V3 western workflow has been designed to provide confidence during every step of the immunoblotting workflow.
Leveraging stain-free imaging technology, the V3 Western Workflow enables scientists to visualise protein separation, verify protein transfer, and confidently validate blot data via total protein normalisation.
The V3 Western Workflow also cuts the traditional western blotting process from two days to one day.
“Instead of two days to do a western blotting experiment from beginning to end, we can see results within a day with the new workflow,” said Dr Aldrin Gomes, assistant professor at the University of California, Davis.
The V3 Western Workflow consists of the following five steps, each enabled by Bio-Rad’s family of blotting instruments and/or products: 1.
Protein separation using Criterion TGX Stain-Free and Mini-PROTEAN TGX Stain-Free precast gels 2.
In-gel protein visualization using ChemiDoc MP imaging system 3.
Protein transfer to membrane using TransBlot Turbo transfer system 4.
Transfer verification using ChemiDoc MP imaging system 5.
Western blot validation using ChemiDoc MP imaging system.