Bruker has introduced XFlash 6, the next generation of silicon drift detectors (SDD) for energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS).
With the availability of large detector sizes up to 100 mm2, energy resolution down to 121 eV, and throughput up to 600 kcps, Bruker claims the XFlash 6 series sets new standards for speed and sensitivity in EDS analysis.
With XFlash 6, Bruker now offers the widest range of EDS detector sizes in the market, starting from 10 mm2 up to an unequaled 100 mm2, to ensure optimal conditions for any application at any type of electron microscope.
Due to the Slim-line design, all detectors of the XFlash 6 family provide the largest possible solid angle per active area for maximum collection efficiency, which is especially important at low electron beam currents.
Combined with advanced hybrid pulse processing technology, XFlash 6 detectors can accept input count rates in excess of 1,500 kcps with throughput as high as 600 kcps, and maintain their best energy resolution over the widest range of count rates.
The premium XFlash 6 |10 achieves 121 eV at Mn-Ka and 38 eV at C-Ka, vital especially for efficient and accurate analysis at low energies.
The XFlash 6 user can choose from six different detector models to find the optimal solution for any individual application, no matter whether using SEM, FIB-SEM, µ-probe or TEM.
The 10 mm² XFlash 6 |10 and the 30 mm² XFlash 6 |30 detectors are well suited for the majority of tasks on SEM, including analysis at high beam current, low kV, and low vacuum.
The 60 mm² XFlash 6 |60 and the 100 mm² XFlash 6 |100 are particularly useful in low X-ray yield situations, e.g. for low beam current / low kV operation as required for the investigation of nanostructures, or for the analysis of beam-sensitive biological samples.
The two detector models for transmission electron microscopy, the 30 mm² XFlash 6T |30 and the 60 mm² XFlash 6T |60, are designed to cause minimal mechanical and electromagnetic interference on the TEM, and to guarantee the best take-off angle available.