Artemis CCD has launched its FS92 CCD camera designed to operate within low-light applications and surroundings.
The compact imaging system features 9.19 million effective pixels in a Type 1 3388x2712 pixel array and offers a typical read noise of 5 electrons.
The designated applications for the FS92 include fluorescence and chemi-luminescence imaging and the asymmetric pixel binning function make it suitable for optical spectroscopy.
Artemis has ensured the FS92 is fully compatible with its software downloads, including the software development kit (SDK) together with LabVIEW drivers and ImageJ.
The CCD camera is Peltier cooled to a delta of -25°C below ambient and is fitted with either a monochrome or colour sensor.
Additionally, the alternative rectangular body design features an extra -10°C cooling for demanding applications.