High-precision oval gear (OG) flowmeters from Titan Enterprises are designed to monitor viscous fluid flow.
The system, which is capable of measuring flow rates up to 500l/min, uses stainless steel, PEEK or other body materials at up to 700 bar.
Titan has stated that its OG flowmeters’ accuracy improves as the liquid viscosity increases; rising from 1% to around 0.1% of flow rate at higher viscosities.
The oval shaped gear-toothed rotors rotate within a chamber of specified geometry. As they turn, they sweep out and trap a volume of fluid between the outer and inner elements.
Magnets are embedded in the rotors which then actuate a reed switch or provide a pulse output via a Hall Effect sensor and each pulse or switch closure then represents an increment of liquid volume that passes through the meter.
OG flowmeter sizes range from 1/4 to 2in; suitable for flows between 1ml/min and 500l/min.
Individually flow calibrated, they are supplied with a traceable flow test certificate, for flows both in forward and reverse directions.
Additionally, options are available for monitoring of aggressive / hazardous fluids or inclusion of feature windows to allow visual flow checking.