Olympus has launched the OlyVIA Mobile iPad App, an image viewer dedicated to virtual slides.
Allowing fast and easy-to-use remote viewing, the free-to-download app conveniently displays large brightfield as well as multidimensional fluorescence images.
Researchers and educators can access their entire library of virtual microscope images with just a tap of the finger. Free to download from the iTunes App Store, the app is designed for images captured with the Olympus VS120 virtual slide scanning system.
Images shared via the Olympus Net Image ServerSQL v.2.7 software can now be accessed from anywhere in the world via an iPad. In addition to VS120 images, any images captured in or converted to the .vsi file format, including images from cellSens software, are uploadable for remote viewing.
Users can verify, select, pan, zoom and observe their virtual images at different magnifications. The OlyVIA Mobile App combines the familiar user-friendliness and portability of the iPad with the image quality of the Olympus VS120 system to provide an insightful user experience.
Users who download the free app will also have access to a library of high quality virtual slide images that can be used for demonstration or educational purposes.
The modular Olympus VS120 virtual slide system creates high-resolution digital images of complete microscope specimens that can be stored on a server for simultaneous remote viewing, at a range of magnifications.
The system is optimised to provide outstanding brightfield and fluorescence performance, combined with precise colour rendition and scanning.