Shimadzu has launched Nexera UC, a fully automatic system that combines automatic sample pre-treatment with chromatographic separation and analysis.
The supercritical fluidic chromatography-based Nexera Unified Chromatography system can sequentially analyse up to 48 samples utilising automatic extraction and chromatographic separation combined with high-sensitivity detection of targets by mass spectrometry.
It is designed to fulfil the measurement requirements of a wide range of applications including monitoring pesticides in food products, drug delivery and search for disease biomarkers, additives in forming polymers, drug discovery research in pharmaceuticals and biopharmaceuticals along with cleaning validation.
The Nexera UC system requires no sample pre-treatment and provides reliable and stable analysis of delicate samples that are prone to oxidation or dissociation if exposed to air.
In the analysis of pesticides in food products, a complete analysis sample pre-treatment takes just five minutes.
A wide range of separation modes are offered, enabling the separation of a diverse wide range of compounds at once.
Automated extraction and chromatography is achieved using a mobile phase of supercritical fluidic Carbon Dioxide (that exhibits the solubility of liquids and diffusivity of gases) into which alcohol and other such organic solvents are added.
Nexera UC system can analyse approximately 500 different types of pesticides in less than one hour.
It also significantly reduces the quantity of organic solvents used for such applications as the chiral analysis of enantiomers that are common in pharmaceutical drugs.