Chemical calculator for Palm OS-based handhelds saves chemists and chemistry students time and reduces errors for many routine chemical calculations
Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) announces that it has licenced the rights to ChemiCalc, a chemical calculator for Palm OS-based handhelds, that saves chemists and chemistry students time and reduces errors for many routine chemical calculations. ChemiCalc allows chemists to use and explore an element properties database and graph periodic trends for any one of 18 element properties.
Users can also write and balance chemical equations, and perform calculations on a stoichiometry calculator.
According to the agreement with Bert Ramsay, inventor of ChemiCalc, ACD/Labs will be incorporating the capabilities of ChemiCalc into the next release of ChemPalm and ChemPocket software, which allow the display of chemical structures and databases on a PDA.
Antony Williams, VP of scientific development and marketing at ACD/Labs, comments, "Professor Ramsay was certainly the first to produce a multiplatform handheld chemical calculator, while ACD/Labs was the first to innovate chemical database viewing for the PDA platforms.
When the two are integrated, chemists will have a complete suite of tools in their Palm and in their pocket.
We look forward to Bert's visionary guidance to continue the development of ChemiCalc".
Professor Ramsay comments, "The integration of these two powerful programs allows chemists at long last to combine data searching and calculation tools in one source - last attempted in a chemical slide rule invented in the early 19th century."