Significant financial and quality benefits can arise from interconnecting laboratory systems, including analytical instrumentation, especially if a high degree of automation is included
CSols says that a surprising range of automation and integration requirements can be met with its fully configurable standard product, Links for Lims.
Links for Lims requires absolutely no user programming to implement.
It is a highly configurable, easy to implement and simple to use instrument interfacing and integration product.
Some similar applications require the user to to utilise embedded scripting tools (such as Visual Basic For Applications) to create usable solutions.
It is important to consider the onerous validation issues created when allowing users to generate such custom programs.
CSols says it can undertake any required extension of Links for Lims to meet specific needs.
In fact, for requirements where the extensions are of value to other potential customers, CSols says it will often undertake to add them to future versions of the product. Again this ensures long term cost-effectiveness, supportability and vitality of the implemented solution.
Where requirements dictate a new application created from the ground up, CSols is also well equipped to generate the software.
Such solutions are also supportable long term and can generally be created at highly competitive prices because we can leverage our systems and existing building blocks to minimise development effort.